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Villerville is a village in Normandy, located between Trouville (3.7 miles) and Honfleur (5.6 miles). The village prides itself on preserving its character, situated as it is between sea and countryside.

The village (pop. nearly 800) recently obtained the label  Village Fleuri (Village in Bloom).

A distinctive feature of the village is that it is built on a cliff that stretches all the way to Trouville.

Life is pleasant in Villerville and the village has proved an inspiration for artists such as Charles MOZIN, Ulysse BUTIN, Gabriel FAURÉ and Charles GOUNOD who all took up residence here.

Actors like Fernand Ledoux also lived here.?And it was Villerville that Henri Verneuil chose as the setting for his film Un singe en hiver  (A Monkey in Winter), over 50 years ago.


Last edited: 21/03/2025